You've Been Sentenced Card game
©2005, McNeill Designs
Ages: 8 and Up
Players: 3 to 10
Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
Game Condition =>  Pricing Scale (click link above)

# 06572 - 2005 You've Been Sentenced game $14.95
                       SEALED Condition (sealed cards, inscription inside cover)

# 03869 - 2005 You've Been Sentenced game $9.95
                       Excellent Condition (in stock)

# 00000 - 2005 You've Been Sentenced game $8.75
                       Very Good Condition - Sold Out

Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
550 Pentagon-shaped game cards
511 Word cards
29 Wild cards
1 Scoresheet pad
1 Pencil
90 Second sand timer
Game Contents
DESCRIPTION - from the game
You’ve been Sentenced! is a completely original game system which utilizes pentagon-
shaped cards containing conjugations of funny words, famous names, and familiar places.
With a hand of 10 cards, players build sentences, challenging their ingenuity while trying
to score the most points per round by constructing a grammatically correct and sensible
sentence. Most words are worth 5 points, but some of the more unusual conjugations are
often worth more, based on usage difficulty in a sentence....Hilarity ensues when a player
tries to defend, explain, and justify a completely ridiculous sentence to the Jury.   Only
accepted sentences score points. The first player to reach 200 or more points wins!   
Shipping Wt: Approx. 3 lbs
Multi-Award Winning Game
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