Xeko Mission: Madagascar game
©2006, Matter Group LLC
Ages: 8 to Adult
Players: 2
Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
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# 07058 - 2006 Xeko Mission: Madagascar game $49.95
                             SEALED CARDS Condition (rare, sealed cards)

# 00000 - 2006 Xeko Mission: Madagascar game $39.95
                             Excellent Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 2006 Xeko Mission: Madagascar game $34.95
                             Very Good  Condition - Sold Out

Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
Game Contents
1 Extra large play mat
(19" x  27")
2 Endangered cards
10 Rare cards
2 Hotspot cards
36 Common cards
2 Learn to play guides
1 Player 1 play guide
1 Player 2 play guide
1 Rule book
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Xeko Mission: Madagascar game Matter Group
Starter Set
An island's future is in your hands...
The power to save it is in the cards!
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Xeko is a collectible card game which has four editions to date: Madagascar, Costa Rica,
Indonesia, and China. Each edition highlights common and endangered animals from in the
region, and creatures from all editions can be mixed together.

In Xeko, each player's objective is to create the strongest, most balanced environment.
Players link “species cards” with other species cards, and battle other players in turf wars
to win cards. The more endangered the animal, the rarer the card and the higher its point
value. When one of the decks is depleted, each player counts the eco points on his or her
cards and the one with the most points wins.
Shipping Wt: Approx. 1.5 lbs.