Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
Game Condition =>  Pricing Scale (click link above)

# 00000 - 1994 Peanut Panic game $79.95
              Excellent Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1994 Peanut Panic game $69.95
              Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1994 Peanut Panic game $63.95
              Acceptable Condition - Sold Out

Peanut Panic game
©1994, Parker Brothers
Ages: 4 and Up
Players: 2 to 4
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

0 Left arms                   $15.00 each
0 Right arm                   $15.00 each
0 Red peanuts               $8.00 each
0 Green peanuts            $8.00 each
0 Purple peanuts            $8.00 each
0 Orange peanut            $8.00 each
1 Peanut Panic track
(4 Snap-together pieces)
1 Peanut patrol truck assembly
1 Truck body
1 Dumper
1 Left arm
1 Right arm
1 Color spinner
8 Peanut movers
2 Red
2 Green
2 Purple
2 Orange
Game Contents
DESCRIPTION - from the game
The object of Peanut Panic is to be the first player to get both your
peanuts out of the peanut barrel marked START, all the way around
the track and out of the peanut butter factory, and onto the space
marked FINISH!  But watch out for the Peanut Patrol truck!  It's
roaming around the track, trying to scoop you up and bring you all
the way back to START - and turn you into peanut butter!  
Shipping Wt:  Approx. 3.5 lbs.
The Motorized Pea-Nutty Escape game
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NOTE: 1994 Peanut Panic game is very difficult
to find and usually has missing parts, which
requires  additional copies to complete.  This
game is often found without a box or with a
damaged box due to being constructed of very
thin cardboard.