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Operation game (Smoking Doctor)
©1965, Milton Bradley
Ages: 6 to 14
Players: 1 or more
Don's Game Closet
100% Complete Games - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
Game Condition =>  Pricing Scale (click link above)

# 11928 - 1965 Operation (Smoking Dr. w/Key) game MB $19.95
           Excellent Condition (Version A, nice game, tested)

# 11657 - 1965 Operation (Smoking Dr. no/Key) game MB $19.95
           Excellent Condition (Version B, nice game, tested)

# 00000 - 1965 Operation (Smoking Dr. no/Key) game MB $17.95
           Very Good Condition - Sold Out

Game Contents
DESCRIPTION - Shipping Wt: Approx. 2.5 lbs.
In Operation game the patient has a number of complaints, such as a broken heart, water on the knees and butterflies in the
stomach!  Players use ther dexterity and skill to remove the patient's "ailments" using tweezers without setting off the buzzer
and making the patient's nose light up! Each completed surgery gets a player money and the player with the most money by
the end of the game is the winner.  This variation of the game has a doctor smoking during surgery on the box cover.
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1965 Operation game Milton Bradley
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1960s games
See Battery Operated games
See Boy games
See Children's games
See Dexterity games
See Girl games
See Milton Bradley games
Version A - Key under Logo          Version B - No Key under Logo
1 Electronic game unit
(with buzzer, light & tweezers)
24 Game cards (see list below)
12 Funatomy parts
1 Adam's apple
1 Anklebone connect to the knee
1 Bread basket
1 Broken heart
1 Butterflies in the stomach
1 Charlie horse
1 Funny bone
1 Spare ribs
1 Water on the knee
1 Wish bone
1 Wrenched ankle
1 Writer's cramp
1 Set of play money

24 Card listing
12 Doctors cards
$200 Ankle bone to knee bone
$200 Spare ribs
$200 Wrenched ankle
$300 Adam's apple
$300 Writer's cramp
$400 Charlie horse
$400 Funny bone
$500 Butterflies in stomach
$500 Water on the knee
$600 Wishbone
$700 Broken heart
$1000 Bread basket
12 Specialist cards
$400 Ankle bone to knee bone
$400 Spare ribs
$400 Wrenched ankle
$600 Adam's apple
$600 Writer's cramp
$800 Charlie horse
$800 Funny bone
$1000 Butterflies in stomach
$1000 Water on the knee
$1200 Wishbone
$1400 Broken heart
$2000 Bread basket
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Smoking Doctor