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# 11890 - 1968 Numble game $9.95
           Excellent Condition (in stock)

# 00000 - 1968 Numble game $8.95
            Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1968 Numble game $7.95
              Acceptable Condition - Sold Out
1 Game board
4 Tile racks
87 Wooden tiles

Tile Listing

Numble game
©1968, Selchow & Righter
Ages: 10 and Up
Players: 2 to 4
Don's Game Closet
0s - 4
1s - 13
2s - 12
3s - 11
4s - 10
5s - 9
6s - 8
7s - 7
8s - 6
9s - 5
Blanks - 2
DESCRIPTION - from the game
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division all come into play. The first
player places from two to six numbered tiles on the board in ascending or descending
order. Sound easy? Certainly-except that the total of all the tiles must be divisible by
three. From here on, the action is fast and furious as each player builds numbers on
numbers, trying to take advantage of bonus squares that can send your score soaring.
Partner play will keep spirits high for a whole evening's entertainment.
Shipping Wt: Approx. 2.5 lbs.
Game Contents
NOTE: A great variation on the scrabble theme, this
game uses a similar game board and plays in a similar
way other than using numbers and basic math.  
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