Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
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# 04290 - 2005 Dragonriders game $16.95
                  SEALED Condition (nice game)

# 00000 - 2005 Dragonriders game $14.95
                  Excellent Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 2005 Dragonriders game $12.95
                  Very Good Condition - Sold Out

Dragonriders game
©2005, Rio Grande Games
Ages: 10 and Up
Players: 2 to 6
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
Game Contents
DESCRIPTION - from the game
Climb aboard your trusty steed and lift off for the race of your life! The players
race their dragons on a course in a deep and winding canyon. You have some magic
to use to aid your cause, or hinder your opponents, but the real test is your skill at
maneuvering your dragon through the course to reach the finish line ahead of the
others. Players choose their speeds on each round secretly, but then must move at
that speed, even if other dragons or canyon walls are in the way.  The movement
system gives players more maneuverability at lower speeds than at higher, so you
cannot turn your dragon on a dime unless you are going very slowly - an important
consideration in those hairpin turns!
Shipping Wt. Approx. 2.5 lbs.
1 Game board
50 Playing cards
26 Energy chips
12 Magic traps
8 Flight paths
6 Dragon movers
6 Speed indicators
2 Specialty 6-sided damage dice
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