Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur game
©1993, Pressman
Ages: 5 and Up
Players: 2 to 4
Complete Games for Sale - click name to purchase
(All games are previously played unless otherwise noted)
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# 00000 - 1993 Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur game $14.95
                   Excellent Condition - Sold Out, other editions below

# 00000 - 1993 Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur game $12.95
                   Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1993 Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur game $11.95
                   Acceptable Condition - Sold Out
Don's Game Closet
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
1 Game board
1 Dizzy Dizzy dinosaur
(wind-up figure)
20 Plastic movers
5 Red movers
5 Blue movers
5 Yellow movers
5 Green movers
2 Specialty 6-sided dice
DESCRIPTION - from the game
The object of Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur game is to be the first player to move all five of your
movers to the cave in the center of the board.  On each turn each player rolls both dice
which tells them the number of spaces they can move along the path.  Each paw print
counts as 1 space, and you only move along your color path.  You can either move one
mover the total number rolled, or split the roll between two movers.  If you roll a dinosaur
on one of the dice, you wind up Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur, then let him go.  Any movers that
he knocks down go back to their START area.  

Shipping Wt: Approx. 3 lbs.
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