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# 00000 - 1987 Bazaar game DT $9.95
             Excellent Condition - Sold Out, other editions below

# 00000 - 1987 Bazaar game DT $8.95
             Very Good Condition - Sold Out

# 00000 - 1987 Bazaar game DT $7.95
             Acceptable Condition - Sold Out

Bazaar game
©1987, Discovery Toys
Ages: 8 and Up
Players: 2 to 6
Don's Game Closet
DESCRIPTION - from the publisher
BAZAAR is a challenging game that puts you in the middle of a
bustling, colorful marketplace trading for exotic treasures! With a
roll of the die, players can receive colored jewels or trade for
valuable wares. But you'll need to use all of your strategy skills to
obtain the treasures you want!

Shipping Wt: Approx. 2 lbs.
Game Parts Available for Sale

No Parts Available for Sale
Game Contents
10 Bartar cards
(B=blue, W=white, R=red,
G=green, Y=yellow)
B, W, R, R, W
B, W, R, G, Y
R, B, Y, R, W
R, B, Y, G, W
Y, B, Y, Y, R
Y, R, G, B, G
G, G, W, G, W
G, Y, Y, G, Y
W, R, B, Y, W
W, B, G, R, B
45 Merchandise cards
29 Regular cards (no stars)
16 Star cards
4 Star cards
100 Jewels
20 Red jewels
20 Blue jewels
20 Green jewels
20 White jewels (or clear)
20 Yellow jewels
1 Color 6-sided specialty die
(red, blue, white, green, yellow,
1 Score pad
Related games
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Bazaar game Discovery Toys (Special Ed)
See 1980s games
See Business games
See Discovery Toys games
See Educational games
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