Category: Food Games
1974 Agri-Venture game Rodgers and Cauthen 2005 Alfredo"s Food Fight game Fundex 1981 Alphabet Soup game Parker Brothers 1992 Alphabet Soup game Parker Brothers 2001 Barnum's Animals Crackers game Mattel 1999 Beer game Boxer Games 1968 Big Mouth game Schaper 1999 Bouquet The Wine game Britt-Marie Backe 1984 Build A Better Burger game Lakeside 1987 California Raisins game CALRAB 1970 Can-Doo game Aurora 1984 Candy Land game Milton Bradley 1987 Candy Land game Milton Bradley 1997 Candy Land game Milton Bradley 2001 Candy Land game Milton Bradley 2004 Candy Land game Milton Bradley 1986 Candy Land VCR game Milton Bradley 2003 Cat & Mouse game Ravensburger 1996 Catnip game Milton Bradley 2000 Chicken Run game Milton Bradley 2007 Chocolate Fix game Thinkfun Inc. 1991 Chocers Checkers game Hershey Foods Corp 1967 Chop Suey game IDEAL 2006 Chuck-It Chicken game Ravensburger 1969 Chug-A-Lug game Marina Enterprises 1974 Chug-A-Lug game Reiss 1981 Chug-A-Lug game Paragon-Reiss 1987 Chug-It game Baron-Scott Enterprises 2000 Clifford The Big Red Dog Happy Birthday game RoseArt 2003 Clue Jr. Case of the Missing Cake game PB 1997 Cookie Cop game Milton Bradley 2003 Cookin Cookies Card game Fundex 1987 Crackers in My Bed game Parker Brothers 1978 Critter in the Candy game Gabriel 1955 Dandy Candy game Warren 2000 Dish It Up game Gamewright 2013 DP Enchanted Cupcake Party game Wonder Forge 1979 Don't Tip the Waiter game Colorforms 2007 Don't Tip the Waiter game Fundex 2005 Drinking Games Cheatwell Games 1992 Eat at Ralph's game Milton Bradley 1995 Electronic Talking Hot Potato game Parker Brothers 2013 Enchanted Cupcake Party game Wonder Forge 1978 Fat Chance game Milton Bradley 2003 Fish Eat Fish game Out of the Box 0000 Flip Flap Chicken game Maple Toys 1990 Flippin Flapjacks game Parker Brothers 2005 Fractions Supreme Pizza game Discovery Toys 1998 Funky Monkeys game Games2Remember 1990 Funny Food Miniature Golf game Pressman 1985 Garden game Sarah Ponsonby (2nd Edition) 2006 Gassy Gus game Fundex 1964 Gingerbread Man game Selchow & Righter 1975 Good Humor game Milton Bradley 1992 Grape Escape game Parker Brothers 1995 Great Gumball game RoseArt 2001 Harry Potter Professor Snape's Potion Class Set Mattel 1986 Harvest Time game Family Pastimes 1991 Hershey's Chockers Checkers game Hershey Foods Corp. 2001 Hershey's Kisses Counting game Hershey Foods Corp 1975 Hi Ho Cherry-O game Whitman 1981 Hi-Ho Cherry-O game Whitman 1992 Hi Ho Cherry-O game Golden 1994 Hi Ho Cherry-O game Parker Brothers 1997 Hi Ho Cherry-O game Parker Brothers 1999 Hi Ho Cherry-O game Milton Bradley 1987 Hi Ho Cherry-O VCR Golden 1988 Hot Potato game Parker Brothers 2002 Mr. Potato Head Card game Winning Moves 1995 Hot Potato (Electronic Talking) game Parker Brothers 2002 Hot Potato (Mr. Potato Electronic) game Milton Bradley 2000 Ice Cream Scoops of Fun game Fisher-Price 2007 Jack Plot game Winfield Solutions 1980 Jackpot game Crisloid 2003 Jumpin Java game Fundex 2006 Kid-Cala game University Games 1999 M&M's Party game RoseArt 1975 McDonald's game Milton Bradley 2001 McDonald's (Lets Go to) game Patch 1990 Mickey The Balancing Baker game Milton Bradley 1997 Milk & Cookies game Parker Brothers 2008 Milk & Cookies game Peaceable Kingdom Press 1990 Monkey Mania game Parker Brothers 2007 Monopoly, M&M's Collector's Edition game - Hasbro-USAopoly 2002 Mr. Potato Head Hot Potato Electronic game Milton Bradley 1995 Mr. Potato Head Pals Mix n Match game Playskool 1995 Mr. Potato Head Toy Story Playskool 1995 Mrs. Potato Head Playskool 1997 Mrs. Potato Head Spud of the Sea Playskool 1988 Oh Nuts! game Cadaco 1988 One Bad Apple game Pressman 1988 Oreo Cookie Factory game Cadaco 1996 Oreo Matchin' Middles game Fisher-Price 1997 Oreo Matchin' Middles game Fisher-Price 2003 Oreo Matchin' Middles game Fisher-Price 1949 Over the Garden Wall game Parker Brothers 1971 Pass Out game Pass Out Games Inc. 1990 Pass Out game Frank Bresee 2005 Pass Out game Frank Bresee 1971 Peanut Butter & Jelly game Parker Brothers 1993 Peanut Butter & Jelly game Parker Brothers 1997 Peanut Butter & Jelly game Fundex 1999 Peanut Butter & Jelly game Fundex 1994 Peanut Panic game Parker Brothers 1986 Penny Candy game Parker Brothers 1995 Pickin Chickens game Tyco 1992 Picnic Panic game Milton Bradley 1968 Pie Face game Hassenfeld Bros. 2015 Pie Face game Rocket Games 0000 Pig in the Garden game Schaper 1947 Pit game Parker Brothers 1964 Pit game Parker Brothers 1973 Pit game Parker Brothers (with bell) 1981 Pit game Parker Brothers (with bell) 1983 Pit game Parker Brothers 1998 Pit game Winning Moves 1998 Pit game Winning Moves (Classic Ed, with bell) 1987 Pizza Party game Parker Brothers 2001 Pizza Party game Winning Moves 2002 Pizza Pile-Up game International Playthings, Inc. 1989 Pop Opinion game University Games 1993 Poppin Popcorn game Golden 2002 Poppa's Pizza Pile-Up game International Playthings, Inc. 1986 Potato Head Kids game Milton Bradley 1989 Ready Set Spaghetti game Milton Bradley 1985 Quizine game Polly Kolstad 1987 Restaurant game Flying Turtle Games 2014 Schnucksopoly game Late for the Sky 2001 Scooby-Doo Snackin' Action game Pressman 1994 Scrambled Eggs game Fisher Price 1993 Secret Garden game Ravensburger 1994 S'getti Scatter game Fisher Price 1988 Silly Dillys game Milton Bradley 1991 Silly Soup game Pressman 1993 Slobberin Sam game Milton Bradley 1969 Snakes in the Grass game Kohner Bros. 1996 Stone Soup game Gamewright 1981 Strawberry Shortcake Berry-Go-Round game Parker Brothers 2003 Strawberryland game RoseArt 1990 Stretch-Out Sam game Milton Bradley 1982 Stuff Yer Face game Milton Bradley 2003 Take the Cake Card game International Playthings 2011 Takenoko game Bombyx 1998 Turtle Picnic game Fisher Price 1991 Tutti Frutti Card game Discovery Toys 2005 Tutti Frutti game Discovery Toys 2009 We All Scream for Ice Cream game Zwiggle 1978 Wine game Wine Diversions Ltd. 1997 Wine game Boxer Games 2009 Wine Wars game Joyce Lock 2003 Wineopoly game Late for the Sky 2003 Winerd game Winerd Entertainment LLC 1999 Zoo Food game Ravensburger